Download Lost Season 3 : Episode 1 - A Tale Of Two Cities

Episode 1 - A Tale Of Two Cities
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One of the best, most unusual, most emotionally intense episodes shown thus far.
From its dazzling opening, the tension is ratcheted up and the tone darkens to the final scenes, which hint that things will get far worse for our friends before they get better -- if they get better at all.
For all its range, the episode is really about Jack and the surprisingly ugly and dark corners of his psyche. Matthew Fox, who has been excellent throughout the show's run, really shines here. He is performance is quite powerful and extremely moving. If this episode is an indicator of where the series is headed this season, we're in for quite a ride.
Kurzinhalt:In der ersten Episode der dritten Staffel, "A tale of two cities", beginnen Jack, Kate und Sawyer zu entdecken, mit wem sie es als Gefangene der Anderen wirklich zu tun haben.Gaststars:John Terry als Christian Shephard, Julie Bowen als Sarah, M.C. Gainey als Mr. Friendly, William Mapother als Ethan, Brett Cullen als Goodwin, Blake Bashoff als Karl, Julie Adams als Amelia, Stephen Semel als Adam, Isabelle Cherwin als kleines Mädchen, Alexandra Morgan als Moderator, Sonya Seng als Empfangsdame, Sally Davis als Lehrerin und Julie Ow als Krankenschwester.
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just wanted to say one thing which i dont think anyone has mentioned (yep, read all the comments..might have missed it though).
the bit where Jack rushes Juliet and tries to escape.. it was immediately clear to me that that was a hallucination or dream. for one thing, it looked like he ran *through* the bit where the clear wall was.
everyone is saying how odd it is that he could be knocked out with 1 punch, and that 2 people could close the door against the pressure of the sea. i say, it must've been a dream!
when jack first wakes up in the aquarium, he sees some water dripping from the ceiling, and he drinks some, then spits it out and puts on a sour face... like maybe the water was salty. so that could be how he subconsciously knew he was under the sea....
when juliet tells him to sit against the wall so she can give him food, and he does... she then just walks out without giving him the food. seems like a classic way of "breaking" a prisoner.
(the 2nd time he immediately obeys her, and she walks out without giving him food *again*, and Ben says "good work")
then, later, he dreams(?) the whole "escape" sequence....and wakes up still in the cell, and says "we're underwater, aren't we?".
that is how it seemed to all happen to me.. i was very surprised to see everyone on here thinking the escape bit really happened.....
of course i could be wrong. :)
Jack is Lost's ultimate hero. AND he delivers the best acting on the show by leaps and bounds. It would be fitting if he turns out to be the Man, the hero, Mad Max, The Road Warrior in the Lost finale.( which hopefully won't be for several more years ) Also, the shows you people are comparing Lost to is insulting. The writers and camera crew of Lost have CRUSHED ALL COMPETITION for suspense, drama and mystery. The show is in a league by itself.
24 is also the ducks guts with its
mastery of shock and suspense.
"we're gonna need a bigger boat"
Call me dumb but I thought the island commune's reaction to seeing this huge airplane split apart and crash was a bit CALM??!! Seems maybe they planned it somehow, or were expecting it- like they already knew what to do if such a thing occurred- otherwise there would be screaming and concern and a stronger reaction from everyone there.
Couldnt have known Desmond would miss inputting the code, so it had to be a shocker, but they sure didnt act like it....!
Some of us have been burning up the bandwidth over the summer chasing down the multiple clues of "the Lost Experience". It all ended up in a 'filmstrip' supposedly revealing the true purpose of the Dharma foundation, with sidenotes such as the meaning of the six numbers.
For those for whom the show begins and ends with the TV series, would it be appropriate to post a brief summary of the revelations learned in the game?
Mac, I'll hold off for a ruling on this from you. And you might decide whether posting here or in another discussion might be the appropriate place.
Other folks - some of the revelations might be considered "spoilers". What do you think?
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mine took foreva to load so i went downstairs n watched sum tv - but wen i came bak upstairs it had gone onto anotha site?!? if you can help me then please do - im lost!!
My download took about 30 min. I guess it is a shared server with a lots of people downloading. I will see if I can get a better link from somewhere else !
Cheers Mat
PS By the way have you checked this other blog out ?
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