Download Lost Season 3 : Episode 6 - I do

Episode 6 - I do
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Jack trifft eine Entscheidung hinsichtlich Bens Angebot. Kate fühlt sich hilflos, weil es so ausschaut, dass der wütende Pickett seine Drohung, Sawyer zu töten, wahr macht. Und Locke entdeckt eine geheime Botschaft, die zu nächsten Schritten führt, einige Geheimnisse der Insel zu lüften.

Kiele Sanchez als Nikki, Rodrigo Santoro als Paulo, M.C. Gainey als Mr. Friendly, Tania Raymonde als Alex, Michael Bowen als Pickett, Nathan Fillion als Kevin, Eden-Lee Murray als Suzanne, Mark Stitham als Pfarrer and Frederic Lane als der Marschall.
Achtung: Dies ist die letzte Folge in diesem Jahr. LOST macht eine Winterpause und im Frühjahr laufen dann die restlichen Folgen der dritten Staffel.
I Do Flashback Information
Flashback Character: Kate
Flashback Highlights: Kate doesn't seem so sure, but goes through with her marriage to Kevin, a police officer with a nice mother. A few months after the wedding, Kate calls Marshal Edward Mars to tell him that she wants to stop running. He tells her that he will stop chasing her if she settles down, but they both know that that is never going to happen.
Kate thinks she's pregnant, but the test comes out negative and she realizes she has to leave. She tells Kevin the truth. He tries to reassure her, but she's drugged him and he falls to the floor.
I Do Island Highlights
Locke doesn't want to take Eko's body back to the beach, so he tells Desmond, Sayid, Nikki, and Paulo that he will go back to the beach to get some shovels, then they can bury him right where he is. Sayid says he will go with Locke, but Locke doesn't want him to go. Sayid says it's not safe, so Locke let's him go.
As they walk, Sayid asks Locke what he really thinks killed Eko, and Locke says the people at the beach call it the monster. They return with the shovels and Eko's prayer stick. Locke says a few words and as he's pounding the prayer stick into the ground, he notices that one of the engravings say, "Lift up your eyes and look north John 3:05."
Jack looks at Ben's x-rays. He asks Juliet some questions about what she'd written in Ben's file. Jack tells Ben that he needed the surgery yesterday. Ben says he'll give Jack whatever he needs, but Jack says he will not do the surgery.
Pickett opens the cage and tells Kate that it's time to work, but she won't go without Sawyer, so Pickett takes Sawyer too. While they are working there is a compound breech, and Alex comes out with a sling shot. She tells Pickett that she wants to talk to Ben, but is grabbed from behind and carried off. As they are taking her away she yells to Kate not to listen to them because they will kill her boyfriend the same way they killed Alex's.
Juliet takes Kate in to see Jack and Kate begs him to do the surgery so that Pickett won't kill Sawyer. When she's returned to the cage, she tells Sawyer that she saw Jack. They get into an argument, because Kate told Jack to do the surgery. Kate climbs out of her cage and in with Sawyer. They fight, then make love.
Kate and Sawyer lie in Sawyer's cage, barely covered.
A message comes over Jack's intercom that says, "Try the door." He tries the door and is able to open it. He goes to the room with the TV screens and finds a closet full of guns. After taking one, he notices Kate and Sawyer on one of the screens.
Ben walks up behind Jack and tells him that he's surprised Kate picked Sawyer. Jack tells Ben that he'll do the surgery the following day.
While Jack does the surgery, Tom, Pickett, and Jason look on. Pickett and Jason leave and Pickett says that Jack wasn't even on Jacob's list.
In the operating room, Jack purposely makes a small cut in Ben's kidney sack. He tells Tom that Ben has about an hour to live if Jack doesn't sew it up. He wants to talk to Kate on the walkie talkie.
Pickett has Sawyer out of his cage, on his knees, with the gun at his head. He is just about to shoot when he gets the message from Tom.
Kate talks to Jack over the walkie talkie. He tells her to run, but she wants to know where he is.
I got mad because I found it hard to believe that they would just get it on right there. Even if they are on another island(supposedly), I would have tried to escape somewhere. Sawyers hottness is distracting and so is Kates but COME ON!!!!
Especially since Sawyer knows they are being videotaped, and might get an arse whooping, naked and all. Although perhaps knowing that, he takes the risk since he’d definitely get one if he tried to escape.
What are the best sites for information and conversation on Lost? We’ve started with these. What else should be here?
1. Lost Home Page - Official ABC site for the TV series Lost features episode guides, bios of the (remaining) main characters, …
Does anyone know the name of the song and the artist of the song in the beginning of episode 6/seoson 3? Tell me you love me again, but this time slowly…..
I LOVE IT!!!! :o)
can you put them as a link? cuz i cant watch them even if i download the player
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